British depth study- women's suffrage

a quiz on the path to womens suffrage, hope you enjoy, please rate and comment!


1. What happened at the 1913 Derby?

  • Emily Davison was hit by the king's horse
  • Emmeline Pankhurst was hit by the king's horse
  • the kings horse won the race
  • the suffragists held a march
1 of 10

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2. How did women contribute to the war effort?

  • did nothing
  • fought on the front line
  • munitions factories, taking over men's jobs, the women's land army
  • continued with their campaigns for the vote

3. When were the suffragists founded and who was their leader?

  • 1903, Millicent Fawcett
  • 1903, Emmeline Pankhurst
  • 1897, Millicent Fawcett
  • 1897, Emmeline Pankhurst

4. What is the act called that gave women over 30 the vote and when was it passed?

  • representation of the women act, 1918
  • representation of the women act, 1928
  • representation of the people act, 1918
  • representation of the people act, 1928

5. What law was passed in 1913?

  • the representation of the people act
  • the mouse and cat act
  • The cat and mouse act
  • the dog and bone act


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