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6. What law was passed in 1913?

  • the representation of the people act
  • the mouse and cat act
  • The cat and mouse act
  • the dog and bone act

7. Why did the suffragette violence become more extreme after 1911?

  • women got the vote
  • the first world war broke out
  • The conciliation bill was dropped
  • Asquith became PM

8. Which government took seat in 1906?

  • Conservative
  • Asquith
  • Liberal
  • Labour

9. What did the law passed in 1882 allow women to do?

  • own their own property
  • have the vote
  • vote in local elections
  • run for mayors

10. What happened in 1903?

  • the suffragettes went on hunger strike.
  • The suffragettes were founded
  • the suffragists filed a petition of 67000 workers
  • the suffragists were founded