Other questions in this quiz

2. how many trails were there?

  • 18 - 12 critical ones
  • 16 - 12 critical
  • 12 all critical

3. what did Asch find about the effect of conformity with unanimity?

  • introduced an ally who said the right answers - conformity was 35%
  • introduced an ally who said the right and wrong answers - conformity was 25%
  • introduced an ally who said the right and wrong answers - conformity was 65%
  • introduced an ally who said the wrong answers - conformity was 35%

4. what did Asch find about the effect of conformity with task difficulty?

  • made judging the line easier - confority decreased
  • made judging the line easier - confority increased
  • made judging the line harder - confority increased
  • made judging the line harder - confority decreased

5. what did Asch find about the effect of conformity with group size?

  • with seven confederates, conformity to the wrong answer rose to 31.8%
  • with three confederates, conformity to the wrong answer rose to 56.8%
  • with three confederates, conformity to the wrong answer rose to 31.8%.
  • with three confederates, conformity to the wrong answer rose to 31.9%


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