psychology : social influence

what is compliance?
it is the lowest form of conformity and is when you go along with others but don't privately change your behaviour making it a short term change
1 of 18
what is identification?
it is the middle level of conformity and is when we admire something about the group and we want to become like them so we internalise their views and behaviour
2 of 18
what is internalisation?
it is a long term change and it is when someone genuinely accept the groups norms and it results in a private and public change of opinion/behaviour
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what does ISI stand for?
informational social influence
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what does NSI stand for?
normative social influence
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what is ISI?
it is when people conform because they want to be right
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what is NSI?
it is when people conform because they want to be liked
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what is a positive of ISI?
lucas et al found that there was more conformity to incorrect answers when the problems were more difficult
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what is a negative of ISI?
asch found that students were less conformist than other participants
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what is a positive of NSI?
when asch asked participants to write their answers down conformity levels dropped
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what is a negative of NSI?
the desire to be liked underlies conformity and one theory does not cover all the differences
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what are the variables affecting conformity for Asch's research?
group size
task difficulty
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evaluation of asch's research
- the situation and task were artificial
- findings may only apply to certain situations
- ethical issues
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results of asch's study
- niave participants gave a wrong answer 36.8% of time
- 25% of participants never gave the wrong answer
- 75% conformed at least once
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procedure of asch study
1. 123 american male students tested in groups with 6-8 confederates
2. on each trail they identified the length of a standard line
3. confederates started to make obvious mistakes on 12/18 trials
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how did the variable group size effect conformity?
-with 2 confederates conformity was 13.6%
- with 3 it was 31.8%
- adding more made little difference
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how did the variable task difficulty effect the level of conformity ?
- making the task more difficult increased conformity
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how did the variable unanimity effect the levels of conformity?
- presence of a dissenter reduced conformity to 25%
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is identification?


it is the middle level of conformity and is when we admire something about the group and we want to become like them so we internalise their views and behaviour

Card 3


what is internalisation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what does ISI stand for?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what does NSI stand for?


Preview of the front of card 5
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