Rivers- New GCSE (9-1) Revision

  • Created by: Aleena
  • Created on: 05-02-17 18:36
Where is the River Dee located?
Snowdonia National Park, North Wales
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Where is the mouth of the River Dee?
In the Chester Estuary into the Irish Sea
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How long is the River Dee?
70 miles long
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How long has the River Dee existed for?
3 million years
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How high is it above sea level?
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Why is the River Dee important?
Because it provides Catchment for Sheep hill farming,Dairy Farming,Drinking Water,Indigenous Animals & Commercial/Recreational Fishing
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How does the River Dee help Sheep Farming?
River valleys are cheaper- so farmers spend less money on land and use their flat land for growing crops. This means you save money from buying land and get more money from your livestock
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How does the River Dee help Dairy Farming?
When the Dee floods the floodplains, the land is dispursed with rich nutrients from the river. The cows eat the nutrious plants, making the milk better and better milk,brings in more money for farmers!
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How does the River Dee help Indigenous Animals?
The river valleys provide habitats fro rare /indigenous species,e.g.Otters,Water Vole
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How does the River Dee help to get Drinking Water?
The water from the R.Dee if fresh & salt free, making it suitable fro drinking. So that brings in money for water companies.
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How does the River Dee help Commerical/Recreational Fishing?
People spend money on fishing licences/parking fees to fish in the Dee and the fisherman get money buy selling the fish.
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What are the 3 human changes to the River Dee?
1)Channelisation 2) Reservoirs 3)Embankments
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What is a Reservoir & why has it been built in the Dee?
Reservoir- a large lake, usually artifical, used to store water. Built on the Dee to store water for the summer, when there is less rainfall & not enough natural flow for people/industry.
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What is Channelisation & Why was the Dee channelised?
Channelisation-the deepening and/or straightening of a river-to allow it to carry more water.The Dee was channelled to make river flow through the channel,more quickly-so takes it away from places at risk of flooding.
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What are Embankments & why have they been built on the Dee?
Embankments- raised banks along a river and were put in place to protect farmland & properties, from flooding.
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What are the physical factors changing the River Dee?
Drought & Heavy Rainfall & Climate Change
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How does drought & heavy rainfall affect the River Dee?
Drought means the River Dee will flow slowly, as there's less water in the river. Heavy rainfall means the ground gets over-saturated & soil can't absorb anymore water= surface run off & risk of flooding
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


In the Chester Estuary into the Irish Sea


Where is the mouth of the River Dee?

Card 3


70 miles long


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


3 million years


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5




Preview of the back of card 5
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