How effectively did Hitler establish and consolidate Nazi authority 1933-45? (1)

Topics covered:

Background knowledge

The aims of the Nazis

The Nazi’s admission to power in 1933

Any typos/errors let me know! ^_^


1. The theory that Jews and communists at home lost the Great War for Germany was called what?

  • Anschluss
  • Hitler
  • Stab in the back legend
  • Wannsee
  • Deutschsprachige
1 of 28

Other questions in this quiz

2. When was the German Workers Party founded?

  • 28th July 1921
  • November 8th, 1923
  • February 1920
  • January 1919
  • September 1919

3. When did Hitler join the GWP?

  • November 8th, 1923
  • 28th July, 1921
  • September 1919
  • February 1920
  • January 1919

4. When was the GWP renamed the Nationalist Socialist German Workers’ Party?

  • When the 25-point program was drawn up - February 1920
  • When Hitler was in prison - 1924
  • When Hitler joined - September 1919
  • When Hitler was made leader - 28th July, 1921
  • At the Beer Hall Putsch - November 8th, 1923

5. At which conference in February 1926 did the divisions of the party come to a head and Hitler reaffirm his position?

  • Estonia Conference
  • Landsburg Conference
  • Bamberg Conference
  • Wannsee Conference
  • NATO Conference




Just what I was looking for, thank you!

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