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6. What percent of the vote did the Nazis garner in the 1928 election?

  • 5%
  • 31.2%
  • 2.6%
  • 0.6%
  • 44.9%

7. What term describes the People's community Hitler wished to instate in Germany?

  • Volk
  • Lebensraum
  • Fuhrerprinzip
  • Volksgemeinschaft
  • Gleichschaltung

8. Along with the People's community, which concepts provide the foundation for Nazi ideology?

  • Herrenvolk, social Darwinism, Lebensraum, Aryan superiority, anti-Semitism, pacifism, militarism, Conservatism
  • Democracy, anti-communism, half-hearted socialism, Lebensraum, anti-Treaty of Versailles, Fuhrerprinzip, nationalisation
  • Totalitarianism, anti-communism, half-hearted socialism, Lebensraum, anti-Treaty of Versailles, Fuhrerprinzip, nationalism
  • Totalitarianism, communism, half-hearted socialism, Lebensraum, anti-Treaty of Versailles, Fuhrerprinzip, nationalisation
  • Totalitarianism, anti-communism, half-hearted socialism, Lebensraum, support for the Treaty of Versailles, Fuhrerprinzip, nationalisation

9. Those in the South-west were more likely to vote Nazi than those in the North-east.

  • False
  • True

10. Suburban and rural voters tended to vote Nazi when compared to city dwellers.

  • True
  • False

11. Catholics tended to vote for the DNVP, meaning they were less likely to support the Nazis than protestant voters.

  • False
  • True

12. Which social group was not more likely to vote for the Nazi party?

  • Peasants
  • Mittelstand
  • Young people
  • Conservative elites
  • Established middle classes

13. 41.3% of pre-1933 Nazi party members had been born between 1904-1913.

  • True
  • False

14. More than 60% of politically active 20-30 years old did not join the Nazi party.

  • False
  • True

15. What made the Nazi party distinct from others?

  • Experience in government
  • Lack of association with the failings of Weimar
  • Strong support among urban, working class voters
  • Strong religious backing
  • Strong nationalist tendencies

16. Which government fell in March 1930?

  • Hindenburg
  • Muller
  • Von Papen
  • Bruning
  • Hitler

17. Bruning's government of 1930-1932 has strong, consistent support.

  • False
  • True

18. The NSDAP and the KPD gained votes in the September 1930 election.

  • True
  • False

19. What actions did Bruning perform in his government?

  • Collectivisation and the banning of the SA
  • Construction of the Berlin Wall and rapid economic reform
  • Cautious economic reform and the banning of the SA
  • Banning of the SA and rapid economic reform
  • Rapid economic reform and the construction of the Berlin Wall

20. Hindenburg won the Spring 1932 presidential election, but Hitler gained 37% of the vote.

  • True
  • False