B1.1 keeping healthy

  • Created by: Zolo
  • Created on: 20-12-12 16:33

1. If someone's diet consists of food with a lower energy content than the amount of energy their body uses, what will happnen to this person?

  • The person will increase mass
  • The person will loss mass
  • The person will faint
1 of 20

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2. Too much food will lead to...

  • A person being overweight
  • A person getting no muscles
  • A persons bones shrinking

3. Antibodies and antitoxins are not living things they are...

  • Specialised proteins
  • Specialised bacteria
  • Specialised haemoglobin

4. How does penicillin work?

  • Breaks down cell walls
  • Stops protein synthesis
  • Stops DNA replication

5. White blood cells do what to pathogens?

  • They ingest them
  • They eat them
  • They absorb them


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