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6. Vaccines can contain?

  • Harmless fragments of bacteria
  • Harmless fragments of the pathogen
  • Active pathogens

7. Too little food will lead to...

  • A person having no fat at all
  • A person being underweight
  • A person becoming anorexic

8. How does penicillin work?

  • Breaks down cell walls
  • Stops protein synthesis
  • Stops DNA replication

9. What type of diabetes is caused by poor dieting?

  • Type 3
  • Type 2
  • Type 1

10. Respiration is a chemical that allows cells to...

  • Release energy from food
  • Release oxygen from carbon dioxide
  • Release energy from oxygen

11. Pathogens...

  • Are not the disease, they cause the disease
  • Are the disease, are spread around the body
  • Are the disease, they reproduce rapdily

12. White blood cells cannot...

  • Produce antigens that kill pathogens by replicating
  • Produce antibodies to destroy particular pathogens
  • Produce antitoxins that counteract the toxins released by pathogens

13. Too little vitamin D will lead to...

  • Rickets
  • Skin pigment
  • Diabetes

14. How does erthromycin work?

  • Breaks down cell walls
  • Stops protein synthesis
  • Stops DNA replication

15. If someone's diet consists of food with a lower energy content than the amount of energy their body uses, what will happnen to this person?

  • The person will increase mass
  • The person will loss mass
  • The person will faint

16. White blood cells do what to pathogens?

  • They absorb them
  • They ingest them
  • They eat them

17. What is a factor that doen't affect metabolic rate?

  • Amount of exercise and other physical activity
  • How much we eat
  • Proportion of muscle to fat in the body

18. Bacteria release...

  • Pathogens
  • Toxins
  • Mucus

19. MMR stands for?

  • Measles, mumps and ritchet
  • Measles, mumps and rubella
  • MRSA, mumps and rubella

20. What are proteins needed for?

  • Fat, muscle making and making cells bigger
  • Growth, repair and building cells
  • Growth, body odours and muscle making