
According to Festinger's Cognitive Dissonance Theory, how does the resolution of cognitive dissonance typically affect attitudes?
It often results in attitude change to align with one's behaviour.
1 of 13
What is the primary focus of the value expressive function of attitudes, as proposed by Katz (1960)?
Expressing core values and beliefs and reinforcing self-concept.
2 of 13
According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, what determines whether an individual will process a persuasive message through the central route or peripheral route?
The individual's motivation, ability, and opportunity.
3 of 13
What is cognitive dissonance, according to Festinger?
An inconsistency between attitudes & behaviors, leading to a change
4 of 13
Compliance is best defined as:
A change in behavior requested by another person, with the option to refuse.
5 of 13
According to Cialdini's Principles of Persuasion, which principle is based on the idea that people do what others are doing
Social norms
6 of 13
What does the low-ball effect refer to in compliance techniques?
People's increased likelihood to agree to conditions that have changed from the initial agreement.
7 of 13
There are 3 routes in the elaboration model -Having the cognitive headspace to think about the behavior refers to..
8 of 13
In Festinger's cognitive dissonance experiment, participants who were paid $1 to lie about the task reported more enjoyment and willingness to do it again, even though the task was boring. What term best describes this phenomenon?
Reduction in Dissonance
9 of 13
What is the definition of attitudes?
Evaluations of people's ideas, entities, or concepts
10 of 13
There are multiple variables that can increase the persuasiveness of a msg. Source variables refer to:
Trustworthy, attractiveness, similarity
11 of 13
There are multiple variables that can increase the persuasiveness of a msg. Message variables refer to:
Repetition, counter-agruments, fear-appeals
12 of 13
Simple msgs are best convayed using which channel?
13 of 13

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Card 2


What is the primary focus of the value expressive function of attitudes, as proposed by Katz (1960)?


Expressing core values and beliefs and reinforcing self-concept.

Card 3


According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, what determines whether an individual will process a persuasive message through the central route or peripheral route?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is cognitive dissonance, according to Festinger?


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Card 5


Compliance is best defined as:


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