'Area of Study 2: Music in the 20th Century' - Key Terms

  • Created by: KGR01
  • Created on: 22-03-17 20:32
12-tone system
Schoenberg’s composition system which involves arranging the 12 semitones of the octave in a set order
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Additive melody
A minimalist technique where one note or rest is added each time a melody is repeated
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Music that's not written in any key
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A song that tells a story
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Block chord
A chord played by sounding all the notes at once
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A famous theatre street in New York
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Chorus number
A piece in a musical sung by the whole cast
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Cluster chords
Chords made up of notes really close together
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The six semitones not used in a hexachord
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Chords with clashing notes
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A style of music (and art) from the early 20th century
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A group of six notes from the available semitones (used in Peripetie)
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Incidental music
Music to accompany the action on stage in an opera or musical
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When the intervals in a serial row are turned upside down
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A word meaning tone-colour-melody, a technique made up by Schoenberg to colour melodies by passing them round different instrumental parts
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Stacking different parts on top of each other
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Repeated sections of music
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A minimalist technique where you change one note of a tune each time it's repeated so eventually it's completely different
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A type of music dating from the 1960s which is very repetitive
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A repeated musical pattern
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Phase shifting
A minimalist technique where two parts begin at the same time but gradually get more and more out of sync when extra notes are added to the parts or when they are played at slightly different speeds
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Prime order
The basic row of notes for a piece composed using the 12-tone system
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A version of the serial row where the notes are played in reverse order
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Retrograde inversion
A version of the serial row where the inversion of the row is played in reverse order
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A name for the 12-tone system invented by Schoenberg
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Solo character song
A song in a musical sung by one character (like an aria in an opera)
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An interval of two notes that are three whole tones apart (also called an augmented fourth/diminished fifth)
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Where notes that appear as a row in 12-tone music are written out vertically as a chord
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West End
A theatre district in London
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Card 2


A minimalist technique where one note or rest is added each time a melody is repeated


Additive melody

Card 3


Music that's not written in any key


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


A song that tells a story


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


A chord played by sounding all the notes at once


Preview of the back of card 5
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