Evaluate the success of the redevelopment of one city centre that you have studied. (10)

  • Created by: chlpe
  • Created on: 29-09-16 20:10

Evaluate the success of the redevelopment of one city centre that you have studied. (10)

From July 1981 to March 1998 the London docklands development corporation (LDDC) worked to regenerate the London docklands which is an area of eight and a half miles stretching across parts of the boroughs of Southwark, Tower Hamlets and Newham. The reason for this development was that East London was facing many problems including dereliction, poor housing, high unemployment and poverty. They did this by taking over planning responsibility from local councils. These UDCs had the power to acquire and reclaim land, convert old buildings and improve infrastructure through the investment of government money. These UDCs also attracted private sector investment through offering companies reduced taxes and other benefits.

The project has many successes. One success of the London Docklands development was that it generated a large number of social, environmental and economic benefits such as providing 24,000 housing units and more than 80,000 jobs. However, the project did have problems. There were criticisms that


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