Inner City Case Study

  • Created by: Isla S
  • Created on: 11-05-14 23:07

Canary Wharf

Canary Wharf

  • One of the most important places to do business
  • Annual salaries in the largest buildings in this area average £100,000 per person
  • Westfield shopping centre in Stratford is largest shopping mall in Europe
  • 8000 jobs created when it opened
  • 2012 Olympics and Paralympics have thrust the East end of London into the global spotlight
  • Olympic park is London's first new park in over a century
  • New £16 million Crossrail project link East London with Heathrow Airport and the suburbs of West London

Canning Town

  • 3km East of Canary Wharf
  • Wealth and poverty side by side
  • Residents suffer deprivation, low incomes, poor health and comparatively high crime
  • Jubilee Line - life expectancy drops 9 years
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Housing in Canning Town


  • mostly social housing
  • most have gardens
  • decaying, high rise tower blocks were demolished in 1990s
  • Renovation improved condition of many of older buildings
  • Stock Woolstencroft's residential scheme completed in Canning Town Work - completed on a £69 million mixed tenure residential scheme on Barking Road

Problems for residents

  • Expensive housing - less expensive then rest of London, still unaffordable on low incomes - large family houses in short supply
  • Low incomes - 2007, the average household income was £23,000 with an average income per person of just £10,000
  • 37.6% in full time work, 8.1% employed part time, 9.1% permanently disabled/sick
  • Poor health - only 65% of people classified as having general good health. 20.7% described as having poor health or limiting long-term illness
  • Low educational achievement - 43% of working adults had no qualifications - only 16.5% have university degrees
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Ethnic Minorities

  • High percentage of minority ethnic groups in Canning town who were born outside of the UK and form whom English language skills can be a barrier to employment and achievement
  • 61% are white, 6.4% Asian/Asian British, 26.9% Black/Black British, 5.7% other

Quality of life in Canning Town

  • 21% residents dissatisfied - in London its 5% and England its 3%.
  • Education and crime two top priorities people wanted to address
  • Council has low spending power but has to allocate a lot of it to benefits and care
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Improving Canning Town: The CATCH Project

  • Funded by central gov since mid 2000s
  • Aim to create neighbourhoods with a mixture of improved employment, services and owned and rented accomodation
  • £3.7 billion - 4 areas
  • Housing
  • 10,000 new homes replaced old high rise tower blocks - family homes made
  • Existing housing replaced or renovated
  • Wealth and Employment
  • Skills training provided for local people
  • Low-cost offices and workspaces built for local businesses
  • New workplaces include shops and supermarket
  • Improved bus services now offer better transport to workplaces
  • Education
  • Improvements to primary and secondary schools
  • Health and Welfare
  • Improvements to services include a new health centre, library, community centre and upgraded play areas for children
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