Spain Migration:Why do people retire to Spain?

  • Created by: Drachel
  • Created on: 09-02-14 17:31
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  • Why do people retire to Spain?
    • Mediterrean Climate: The temperature is 10'c warmer than the UK
      • This is important for people who are on fixed income and have to be aware of the heating costs
    • Communication networks: The distance between Spain and the UK is 2,000km - takes less time that driving from London to Manchester
      • This makes it faster and cheaper (approx £50 - 'no frills' airlines like Easyjet) for retired people to visit family & friends back home
    • Lifestyle: attracted by the slower pace of life, by lower crime rates and absences of 'youth culture'
    • Cost of living: still receive pensions, the tax rates arelower than in the UK
      • This means they can buy food and drink more cheaply and have more disposable income
    • Awarness of destination: people have vistied Spain on holidays, televsion programmes such as 'A Place in the Sun'
    • Property market: boom in house prices in the UK, can buy a property less expensive in Spain
    • Leisure facilties: some people like the availabilty of sporting actives such as golf courses - further developing social networks
    • Expatriate community: network of British people already living in the area
      • It helps the migrants feel comfortable as they know people speaking the same language as them
    • Health care: if you receive a state pension in the UK, you are eligible for free health care in Spain, due to the EU - more private hospitals
      • Thus, people feel confident that there will be healthcare experts avaliable to treat them when they are ill


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