types of training

Continuous Definition
continuous exercise, is any type of physical training that involves activity without rest intervals. Continuous training can be performed at low, moderate, or high exercise intensities, and is often contrasted with interval training, often called hig
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Continuous Example
Cycling at a slow speed for 30 minutes is one example of continuous training.
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continuous- Link to fitness
This improves your cardiovascular and respriatory health and your endurance.
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Fartlek- definition
A form of interval or speed training where your pace is continually varied.
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Fartlek- example
Fartlek running involves varying your pace throughout your run, alternating between fast segments and slow jogs
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Fartlek- Link to fitness
Fartlek training can be effective in improving your running speed and endurance.
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Interval- definition
physical training consisting of alternating periods of high- and low-intensity activity.
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interval- example
Jog or walk at a more comfortable pace for three minutes. Sprint for 60 seconds. repeat until you have covered a set distance
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interval- link to training
it can increase aerobic power and improve cardiorespiratory endurance. good for sports such as football, hockey, basketball...
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H.I.I.T- definition
is a form of interval training, a cardiovascular exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods. You give 100% for a short amount of time and then have a short period of recovery time
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H.I.I.T- example
jump squats-45sec, burpees-45sec, jumping lunges-45sec...
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H.I.T.T- link to training
this training can improve you aerobic and anaerobic fitness. good for netball, hockey...
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Circuit- definition
different series of exercises in a circuit to go around with minimal rest inbetween sets. often uses differnet types of apperatus
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circuit- example
45seconds of each; sit-ups, press-ups, lunges, squats...
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circuit- link to fitness
it improves aerobic and anaerobic fitness along with speed and muscular endurance which is good for many sports that need short 100% effort periods such as netball or hockey.
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weight training- definition
weight training is a type of strength training used to develop the size and strength of your skelatal muscles.
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weight training- examples
lifting weights, using resistance bands, push-ups, sit-ups, squats are all examples of weight training
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weight training- link to fitness
weight training improves your strength which can therefore improve your power as power is a combination of strength and speed which is good for many sports.
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plyometrics- definiton
plyometric training is a type of jump training that consits of maximum efforts in short amounts of time.
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plyometrics- examples
jump squats, burpees, box jumps, speed bounce, ladders are all examples of plyometric training.
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plyometrics- link to fitness
plyometrics can improove power as you are using the strength to get enough force to jump up and the speed to complete the move quick enough.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Continuous Example


Cycling at a slow speed for 30 minutes is one example of continuous training.

Card 3


continuous- Link to fitness


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Fartlek- definition


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Fartlek- example


Preview of the front of card 5
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