Other questions in this quiz

2. Why was the target audience aimed at lower-middle class women in the 1950s?

  • To appeal to their need for social acceptance by having clean clothes
  • To appeal to their need for a cheaper price
  • To appeal to their supposed need for innovative domestic technologies
  • To appeal to their supposed need of a secure family dynamic

3. Why was there an increased focus on brands and their unique selling points?

  • So customers have choice
  • As it was increasingly popular in the 50s for supermarkets to stock a range of products
  • Because sales were really low
  • So corporations could get more money by selling a product to different audiences

4. What is reception theory?

  • how the audience interprets the message
  • how the advert creates messages
  • how well the advert appears in print
  • how the audience creates messages for the company

5. Why is the woman dressed in the same style as the period movie stars?

  • In order to make the product appeal to men
  • Because that was the only models they had
  • So the audience buy the product to be like the women in the advert
  • So the company could appear on trend


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