Tide contexts


Social context

-Society at the time (1950s after WW2) men were seen as more dominant and women were seen as weaker in society and there main role was making sure they were the perfect house wife and their most important role keeping the men happy,

-Idea that it was a given society and that men and women were both into a society were roles and there ways to act were already given to them,

-Despite women having taken up a subverting role in the WW2 working and helping out after domestic companys still aimed there products as womenmeaning society had not progressed, there main target audience being increasingly affluent lower class women 

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Product context

-Proctor and Gamble launced Tide in 1946 becoming the main brand America still remaining in current day

-D'arcy Masius Benton and Bowles adverting agency (used print and radio advertising for Tide) handled P&G advertising accounts through the 1950s, consumers had high levels of confidence in Tide as a company 

-Both the print and radio advertising used the "hosuewife" charcter and the ideoology that it's customer loved and adored tide 

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Cultural context

-Print advertisments from the 1950s used more print

-Consumer culture was in its early stages of development and, with so many ‘new’ brands and products entering markets, potential customers typically needed more information about them than a modern audience, more used to advertising, marketing and branding, might need

-The American dream was a myth and the idea that every American can have equal chances to achieve their aspirations

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Historical context

-The post WW2 consumer boom of the 1950s included rapid delevopments of new technolgies for home, designed to make domestic chores easier,

-Vaccum cleaners, fridge freezers and washing machines all became desirable producst for the 1950s consumer,

-Products linked to these such as washing powder gre massively as well.

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