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  • Tide
    • Historical Context
      • post ww2 consumer boom (1950s) led to the rapid development of new technologies
        • including products linked to these new technologies like washing powder.
    • Product Context
      • Proctor and Gamble launched Tide in 1946 and it quickly became a brand leader in America
        • they often refer to Proctor and Gamble in Tide's adverts due to customers confidence in the company
      • they used radio and print to build familiarity
      • Used the 'housewife' character ideology that it's costumers 'loved' and 'adored' tide
    • Cultural Context
      • Print ads in the 1950s used more copy than ads today as consumer culture was in early stages of development
        • the amount of new brands emerging meant that customers needed to know more information
    • Theories Tide links to
      • Roland Barthes' 5 codes
        • the first thing you read on the advert is 'TIDE'S GOT WHAT WOMEN WANT' - this links to the enigma code as you initially read this tagline and then read into more of the advert and discover what it is about the product that 'women want'
        • the advert lists facts such as 'Guaranteed by Good Housekeeping - cultural code
      • Gauntlett's theory of identity as it represents women as being housewives which shows the gender stereotypes in the 1950s
      • bell hook's theory links as it suggests that lighter skinned women are more desirable in western beauty
      • Hall's representation of theory - shows images of domestic. represents a scenario that is familiar to their lives and reinforces the domesticated female role.
      • Uses & Gratifications- the target audience of women identify with the woman on the advert - they see themselves in the advert.


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