Other questions in this quiz

2. Which philosopher devised the flying man thought experiment?

  • Locke
  • Ryle
  • Avicenna
  • Descartes

3. What was the name of the doubt that Descartes employed?

  • Materialist Doubt
  • Dualist Doubt
  • Hyperbolic Doubt
  • Rationalist Doubt

4. Descartes' arguments gave rise to which philosopical approach to the soul?

  • Identity Theory
  • Substance Dualism
  • Emergent Materialism
  • Property Dualism

5. What is meant by the term Qualia?

  • Subjective concious experience
  • The quality of a person's experience
  • The brain interacting with the soul
  • The point at which the brain and the body interact


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