Quarry Bank Mill

  • Created by: May505
  • Created on: 01-05-24 12:25
What was it called when people use to work at home?
Domestic system
1 of 11
What was the 2 in home textiles machine called and who where they made by?
Spinning Jenny by John Ky in 1733, Flying Shuttle by James Hargreaves in 1764
2 of 11
Why did cotton triad increase?
New North America collies, slavery
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Where was the biggest cotton buying city?
4 of 11
What stopped the domestic system, who invented it and when?
Spinning frame by Richard Arkwright in 1769
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What was the first power Mill built, who by and when?
Richard Arkwright in 1771 and it was called Cromford
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When was the Spinning frames patent removed?
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When did Quarry Bank Mill open, who by and where?
1784 by Samuel Greg in Style
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Why was was it built in Style
Near Liverpool and Manchester, nearby building materials (sandstone), River Bollin, Canal systems to transport cotton, the people in Style were poor so would work in the nearby mill
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Why was it important to be built near the two city's?
Liverpool = major port to get cotton from Samuel's slaves
Manchester = he had lots of connections for sails and Manchester had the largest population that all needed clothes
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What power and source did the mill use?
Water from the River Bollin
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Card 2


Spinning Jenny by John Ky in 1733, Flying Shuttle by James Hargreaves in 1764


What was the 2 in home textiles machine called and who where they made by?

Card 3


New North America collies, slavery


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Card 4




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Card 5


Spinning frame by Richard Arkwright in 1769


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