Occupational Language theorists

  • Created by: ellamwood
  • Created on: 30-11-22 14:10

1. What was Lave and Wenger's theory?

  • Community of practice, a group of people who share a craft or profession
  • 2009. Korean Pilots and air traffic control experienced difficulties when communicating to American colleagues due to their lack of a lingua franca, causing a lack of agreement on phrases and idiomatic expressions
  • conducted various studies on managers in 1998. Found that female managers were more likely to negotiate consensus compared to male, as they want to ensure everyone agrees with decisions. Also suggested that power in language, such as humour, can have positive impacts
  • The dark side of politeness. Language is used to license challenges to power. Claimed politeness can be used by superiors to keep power
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2. What is Drew and Heritage's theory

  • Hierarchies change overtime but are always present in the workplace
  • Suggested factors that affect occupational speech are profession lexis, allowable contributions, turn taking, restrictions, orientation of goals, structure, asymmetry. also suggested inferential framework, the knowledge built up over time
  • Accommodation theory. Groups occupational lexis into language, which allows other to be involved and does not alienate. Language which is used as jargon pushes away those not in a discourse community
  • 2000. Research at Manchester Uni compared business language to British National Corpus to see if there is business lexis. found a semantic field that involved a limited number of semantic categories

3. what is Kim and Elder's theory

  • Suggested factors that affect occupational speech are profession lexis, allowable contributions, turn taking, restrictions, orientation of goals, structure, asymmetry. also suggested inferential framework, the knowledge built up over time
  • Solidarity 2004. Phatic talk is important when getting jobs done. Looked at how employees can support each other in their tasks and importance phatic talk has in it. Workers need to establish interpersonal relationships for effective work
  • 2009. Korean Pilots and air traffic control experienced difficulties when communicating to American colleagues due to their lack of a lingua franca, causing a lack of agreement on phrases and idiomatic expressions
  • The dark side of politeness. Language is used to license challenges to power. Claimed politeness can be used by superiors to keep power

4. what is Giles' theory

  • Accommodation theory. Groups occupational lexis into language, which allows other to be involved and does not alienate. Language which is used as jargon pushes away those not in a discourse community
  • 2000. Research at Manchester Uni compared business language to British National Corpus to see if there is business lexis. found a semantic field that involved a limited number of semantic categories
  • The dark side of politeness. Language is used to license challenges to power. Claimed politeness can be used by superiors to keep power
  • 2011. discourse communities. people working together have mechanisms of intercommunication and use of genres of lexis. once you begin work, you join a professional community, with its own set practices, knowledge and values. they also share common goals

5. What was Janet Holmes' theory

  • 2011. discourse communities. people working together have mechanisms of intercommunication and use of genres of lexis. once you begin work, you join a professional community, with its own set practices, knowledge and values. they also share common goals
  • Solidarity 2004. Phatic talk is important when getting jobs done. Looked at how employees can support each other in their tasks and importance phatic talk has in it. Workers need to establish interpersonal relationships for effective work
  • conducted various studies on managers in 1998. Found that female managers were more likely to negotiate consensus compared to male, as they want to ensure everyone agrees with decisions. Also suggested that power in language, such as humour, can have posi
  • Suggested factors that affect occupational speech are profession lexis, allowable contributions, turn taking, restrictions, orientation of goals, structure, asymmetry. also suggested inferential framework, the knowledge built up over time


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