
  • Created by: annie1405
  • Created on: 01-09-17 17:31
Specialist lexis
Lexis specific to a certain situation or occupation that only the people from that discourse community know, understand and use.
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Specialist termonology assocated with an occupation however can be used in a negative as well as a positive way
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Discourse Structure
The internal structure of the text/conversation
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Community of practice
A group of people who share understanfings, perspectives and forms of language use as a result of meeting regularly over time
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Using assumed knowledge in order to determine meaning
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Inferentail Framework
Where knowledge is built up over time and used in order to understand meanings that are implicit
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Phatic talk/language
Language devoid of content but supports social relationships (Small talk) e.g saying hello as you walk past someone in the corridor
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The way we speak that is individual to a social group, it may have features that cross the linguistic methods
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Occupational Lexis
Language used specifically within an occupation. This includes specialist terms
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John Swales 2011
Defined a discourse community as having memebers who share a common set of goals and communicate internally through the use of discourse and specialist lexis and posses required level of skills to be eligible to participate in the community.
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Drew and Heritage 1993
Suggested that discourse community members share inferential framework consisting of implicit way of thinking, communicating and behaving. Sggested there are strong heirarchies of power in organisations - asymetrical relationships makred by language
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A secret language within an occupation e.g. CTD - Circling the drain
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A new word
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A fashionable/trendy word
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Function shifting
When a word has 1 menaing in a generic way and 1 meaning in an occupational way
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Phatic token
A single example of a small talk utterance
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Self orientated token
Information relating to yourself
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Other orientated token
An utterance expressing an interest in someone else
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Michael Nelson
He compared a corpus of business language with a more general corpus to investigate whether there was such a thing as business lexis. He found a semantic field of business.
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A feeling of mutual connection with others - moral support
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A collection of searchable language data stored on a computer
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The word for the language of law - a pejorative term associated with traditional styles of legal writing that is part of the specialist discourse of lawyers
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Language interactions
Who is interacting with who. May occur between those in a occupation or outside of an occupation.
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Inter-organisation communication
Communication that takes place between different organisations
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Intra-organisational communication
Communication that takes place within an organisation
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External Communication
Communication from an institution to an external group e.g. consumers
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The idea of assumed meanings where people know how things work because they share inferences - unspoken understandings
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Language and occupation - medicine theorists
LUPTON (2003) there is an asymmetircal relationship between the doctor and the patient. MISHLER (1904) Doctors use the voice of medicine to assert their authority.
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Card 2


Specialist termonology assocated with an occupation however can be used in a negative as well as a positive way



Card 3


The internal structure of the text/conversation


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Card 4


A group of people who share understanfings, perspectives and forms of language use as a result of meeting regularly over time


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Card 5


Using assumed knowledge in order to determine meaning


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