How effectively did Hitler establish and consolidate Nazi authority 1933-45? (2)

Topics covered:

The Nazi consolidation of power

Hitler and government

The police state

Resistance up to 1945

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1. Which factor did not limit Hitler's power upon becoming chancellor?

  • A lack of majority - dependent on nationalist support
  • Only 2 other Nazis in the 12-man cabinet
  • Power of trade unions/churches
  • The small size of the party
  • Hindenburg
1 of 55

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2. Upon entering power, Hitler immediately...

  • Murdered the SA and political opponents
  • Dissolved the Reichstag, calling a new election
  • Organised the Anschluss
  • Assassinated Hindenburg
  • Invaded Poland

3. The five week campaign leading up to the election was a peaceful affairs and 69 people formed a committee dedicated to Hitler.

  • False
  • True

4. On the 27th of February 1933, the Reichstag was set alight by a young Dutch communist. How did the Nazis respond?

  • They decided to cancel the election. Hitler gained authoritarian control over government.
  • They cynically exploited the situation –the Decree for the Protection of the People and the State was passed, which granted Hitler emergency powers. Political and civil liberties were suspended and many anti-Nazis were arrested. The KPD was banned.
  • They cynically exploited the situation - the Decree for the Protection of the People and the State was passed, which created Jewish Labour camps and began a program of mass extermination. Hitler gained authoritarian control over government.
  • They became fearful of the communists. The Nazis passed the Decree for the Protection of the Red Flag, which disallowed communist symbols. Many KPD deputies were arrested following this measure.
  • No response

5. In the March 5th 1933, the Nazi vote only increased from 33.1% to 43.9% - the party still required nationalist support despite the 88% turnout.

  • True
  • False


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