History - Medicine through Time - Disease and Infection

What does Prehistory mean?
Before the invention of writing.
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What did the Stone age people use to cure diseases?
Herbal remedies, charms and spells or trephining.
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Who treated diseases in Prehistoric times?
Witchdoctors and Mothers.
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Who did they believe caused disease?
Spirits and Supernatural causes.
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What disease was common in the Stone age people?
Arthiritis because they moved around so much.
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How did the people benefit from moving around so often?
They left before waste built up so couldn't be infected.
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What did they use to treat diseases in Ancient Egypt?
Used trephining, herbal remedies, charms, spells and purging.
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Who treated the sick in Egyptian times?
Doctors, Priest-Doctors and Mothers.
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What is the Blocked Channel theory?
Egyptians believed that people had internal channels that carried blood and waste around the blood. If one of the channels was blocked by rotting food you fell ill.
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Apart from the Blocked Channel theory, who did they believe caused disease?
The God Sekhmet.
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What was special about the Blocked Channel Theory?
It was the first logical explanation that explained illness.
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Why were doctors special?
The specialised in one area, e.g. eyes. This was due to writing.
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What did trade lead to in the Egyptian times?
New remedies that could cure disease. E.g. Malachite and honey which stops bacteria spreading.
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Who treated disease in Ancient Greece?
Hippocratic doctors, Mothers and Asklepios.
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What is the Four Humour Theory?
That the body ws made up of 4 humours which needed to be in balance. Each one of the humours was led a season.
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What was the Four Humours?
Blood, Yellow bile, Black bile and Phlegm.
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How would they treat someone who's humours weren't in balance?
Purge, Bleed or made them vomit b using herbal remedies.
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What happened at the Asklepion temple?
Patients would go for free and could stay overnight. They would worship the god Asklepios and would eat healthily and do exercise.
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What is Regimen?
A healthy lifestyle.
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Why did the Asklepion temple work?
Because all patients needed was a good night's rest and a clean bed to get better.
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What was the Hippocratic oath?
An oath Hippocrates set up that swore to having moral conduct to patients and to reject all supernatural ideas.
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What was special about Hipporatic doctors?
They used Clinical observation and recorded everything.
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What was Alexandria?
The biggest centre for studying medicine and it allowed dissection.
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Who was Aristotle?
A Greek Scientist who agreed that the body needed to be in balance to be healthy as he dissected.
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What did Roman believe caused disease?
Supernatural causes, the Four Humour theory and the Opposite theory.
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What did the Romans discover?
That disease was linked to dirt and was carried in the air so they avoided bad smells and built settlements away from marshes.
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Who was Galen?
A famous Roman Hippocratic Doctor who wrote many books about medicine.
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What was the Opposite theory?
If you were hot you'd get given something cold e.g a cucumber but if you were hot you'd get given a pepper to warm you up.
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Why didn't infection spread in the Roman times?
They had fresh water and washed daily.
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Who treated the sick in the Middle Ages?
The Church hospitals, Doctors (1300's) and Mothers.
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How did religion affect disease and infection?
There was better care for the sick and the Church set up many hospitals in Europe.
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What did doctors develop the idea of in the 1300's?
That astrology affected the balance of the 4 humours.
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When was the Black death?
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Why did it spread so quickly?
Houses were packed closely together, waste was thrown out of windows and town were very dirty.
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Who was the ruler of the Islamic empire?
The Caliph.
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What did Rhazes do?
Distinguished the difference between Smallpox and Measles.
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What did Avicenna do?
Produced a medical encyclopedia of properties of drugs and illnesses.
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What did Ibn al-Nafis do?
Proved some of Galen's ideas wrong.
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What happened to the Church in the Renaissance?
The Reformation which led to more scientific experiments.
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Who treated the sick in the Renaissance?
Doctors, Mothers and the Church (prayers.)
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What do they believe caused the sick?
God, the Four humour theory and the Opposite theory.
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What did Vesalius do?
(Born 1514.) He wrote a book in 1542 and proved some of Galen's atomical mistakes wrong. e.g. the jawbone is 2 bondes not 1.
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What did Harvey do?
(1578-1657) Discovered that heart was a pump, blood flows in a one-way system and the same blood is pumped around the body.
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Why did disease increase?
Rising population and constant warfare.
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When was the last large outbreak of the Plague?
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What and how did Jenner make his discovery?
(1749-1823). Discovery of vaccinations. This was helped by individual genius, science and technology,
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Who was Louis Pasteur and what did he do?
He was a French man who discovered that Germs caused disease. He published his Germ Theory in
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Who was Robert Koch and what did he do?
German: 1878, discovered how to stain and grow bacteria in a Petri dish. He was thus able to find which bacteria caused which diseases - Septicemia in 1878, Cholera in 1883 and TB in 1882.
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Who was Joesph Lister and what did he do?
Britain: 1826, invented the multi-lens microscope, which allowed doctors to see very tiny things accurately.
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Who was Carl Ludwig and what did he do?
German: 1847, invented the kymograph (which measured the pulse.)
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What Wilhelm Roentgen and what did he do?
German: 1895 discovered x-rays.
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Who was Charles Chamberland and what did he do?
French: 1880, discovered by chance (when he left bacteria exposed to air) that injecting chickens with a weakened form of chicken cholera gave them immunity to the disease (ie he discovered the principle of inoculations.)
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What did Louis Pasteur develop in 1881 and 1885?
An effective inoculation against anthrax (1881), and rabies (1885).
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Who was Paul Elrich and what did he do?
Germany: 1890s, thought that, if certain dyes could stain bacteria, maybe certain chemicals could kill them. He set up a private lab and a team of scientists. In 1911, they created Salvarsan606.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did the Stone age people use to cure diseases?


Herbal remedies, charms and spells or trephining.

Card 3


Who treated diseases in Prehistoric times?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who did they believe caused disease?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What disease was common in the Stone age people?


Preview of the front of card 5
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