Medicine Through Out the Ages Crossword

This is a crossword of the key words that you need for the Medicine Through Time secton for Edexcel History GCSE

An old term for illnesses that involve fever and fits of shivering
1 of 56
A house founded by charity, offering accommodation for the poor
2 of 56
Medicine that uses herbs and other natural remedies, as well as therapies such as acupuncture instead of drugs
Alternative medicine
3 of 56
The cutting off of a limb from the body
4 of 56
A substance that affects your nervous system so that you are less aware of sensation and can't feel pain
5 of 56
The structure of the body
6 of 56
Drugs that stop infections caused by Bacteria
7 of 56
Something that fights against sepsis and the microbes that create infection
8 of 56
A place where remedies and ointments could be bought from an untrained doctor
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The study of the stars and planets and how they were thought to affect humans
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An old type of hospital for those who were mentally ill
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A thick, bitter fluid produced by the liver thought to be one of the Four Humours
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A highly infectious disease that spread throughout Europe numerous times and was spread by rats.
Black Death
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The drawing of blood from a patient by a doctor thought to be an effective treatment
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The use of heat to seal the blood vessels and stop bleeding
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A pit for the disposal of liquid waste and sewage for homes that were not connected to a sewer
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Thread-like structures found in most living cells that carry genetic information
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The international organistation of all Christian believers that had control of medicine up until the Medical Renaissance.
The Church
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Using cells from one organisms to make another identical organism
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Using radioation to take high powered x-ray photographs
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Identifying an illness by examining symptoms
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Cutting open a body to examine its internal structure
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A severe outbreak of an infectious illnesses
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A set of moral principles followed by members of a profession such as medical ethics
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People who whip themselves as a punishment and to show God that they are sorry, and so have mercy on them during Epidemics
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Traditional remedies practised by ordinary people, not doctors, and passed down through history, often by word-of-mouth
Folk Remedies
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A theory by Hippocrates and Galen to explain illnesses as an imbalance of these.
Four Humours
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The study of genes and inherited characteristics
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Conditions or practices, especially cleanliness, that maintain health and prevent disease
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Making someone immune to infection, usually by vaccination
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The period 1750-1900 when there were rapid changes in the way work and industry were carried out
Industrial Revolution
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The idea that government should not interfere too much with industry, the economy and private business.
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A blood-sucking worm, often used by a doctor to bloodlet
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A thread ties around a blood vessel to stop bleeding
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A chemical drug that kills the microbe causing a specific disease without harming the rest of the body.
Magic Bullet
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The theory that disease was caused by poisonous vapours in the air
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Micro-organisms, especially bacteria causing disease
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A woman or now-a-days also a man who assists a woman in childbirth
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An organisation set up by the government in 1948 to give free healthcare to all.
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A mixture that has been created by one person or company and is sold under a particular brand name, which makes it more expensive
Patent Medicine
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A trained doctor
41 of 56
The standard of living conditions and general health of the people
Public Health
42 of 56
Getting rid of bad or excess humurs by making someone be sick or have diarrhoea
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The situation where someone who may have an infectious illness is isolated from other people to prevent the disease spreading
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The use of radiation in medicine, often to attack cancer
45 of 56
A period of challenges and divisions within the Christian Church
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A period in the 16th and 17th Centuries where people thought they were reviving Ancient Greek and Roman culture but also made new discoveries
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A group set up in 1660 to enable educated people to discuss scientific ideas
Royal Society
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An underground system for removing human waste (sewage)
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The idea that that rubbish or decaying material itself makes bacteria
Spontaneous Generation
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Bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics
51 of 56
Someone who deals with wounds or treatments that involve cutting the body
52 of 56
The process of giving blood from a donor to a patient
53 of 56
A safe way of stimulating the body's immune system against a particular disease
54 of 56
The coordination and provision by the government of all matters affecting the health of the people
Welfare State
55 of 56
An institution where people could go if they could not support themselves; it was expected that they would work in return for their food and bed.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


A house founded by charity, offering accommodation for the poor



Card 3


Medicine that uses herbs and other natural remedies, as well as therapies such as acupuncture instead of drugs


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The cutting off of a limb from the body


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


A substance that affects your nervous system so that you are less aware of sensation and can't feel pain


Preview of the front of card 5
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