Facial muscles

  • Created by: Sarah
  • Created on: 13-05-19 21:47
what nerve innervates the medial pterygoid?
mandibular nerve- (trigeminal nerve). Mandibular nerve innervates the medial pterygoid via the medial pterygoid branch
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3 branches of the trigeminal nerve?
1) ophthalmic nerve 2) maxillary nerve 3) mandibular nerve
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what does the trigeminal nerve do?
sensation of the face, motor functions- biting + chewing
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what parts of the trigeminal nerve are purely sensory?
opthalamic and maxillary
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what muscles does the mandibular branch of the temporal nerve innervate?
the muscles of mastication- temporalis, masseter, medial + lateral pterygoids
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where does the opthalamic branch leave the skull through?
superior orbital fissure
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what leaves through the foramen rotundum?
maxillary nerve
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what does the mandibular branch leave through?
the foramen ovale
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how many heads does the medial pterygoids have?
deep and superifical
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where does the medial pterygoid originate from?
superficial- maxillary tuberosity and pyramidal process of the palatine bone, deep- lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone
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where does the medial pterygoid insert?
ramus of mandible
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what is the action of medial pterygoid muscle?
elevates and protracts mandible, closes jaw, helps lateral pterygoids in moving the jaw from side to side
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what is the masseter innervated by?
mandibular nerve
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where does the masseter originate from?
maxillary process of the zygomatic bone or zygomatic arch of the temporal bone.
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where does the masseter insert?
ramus of the mandible + deep head inserts into the coronoid process with temporalis
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what is the action of the masseter?
elevates and protracts the mandible closing the mouth to grind up food
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where does risorius insert?
skin of the angle of the mouth
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where does risorius originate?
parotid fascia
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where does the lateral pterygoid superior head originate?
greater wing of the sphenoid
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where does the lateral pterygoid inferior head originate from?
lateral pterygoid plate of the sphenoid
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where does lateral pterygoid insert?
converge into a tendon and insert into the neck of the mandible
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where does the masseter originate from?
superfiical-maxillary process of the zygomatic bone + zygomatic arch (Deep origin)
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where does the masseter insert?
ramus of the mandible
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where does procerus originate from?
nasal bone
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where does procerus insert?
lower medial forehead
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what causes the nasolabial furrow?
levator labii superioris
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where does levator labii superioris originate?
medial infraorbital margin (of maxilla)
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where does levator labii superioris insert?
skin and muscles of upper lip
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where does levator anguli depressor originate?
oblique line of the mandible
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where does levator anguli depressor insert?
skin of the lips
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what originates from the medial infraorbital margin of the maxilla?
levator labii superioris
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what originates from the canine fossa (below infraorbital foramen)?
levator anguli oris
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where does levator anguli oris originate?
canine fossa on maxilla below infraorbital foramen
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what muscle originates from the maxillary process of the zygomatic bone
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where does the levator anguli oris AND risorius insert AND zygomatic major?
skin of the angle of the mouth
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where does zygomatic major and minor originate?
zygomatic major (zygomatic arch for major)
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where does zygomatic major insert?
orbicularis oris fibres and skin of the angle of the mouth
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what originates between the mandible symphysis and mental foramen?
depressor labii inferioris
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where does depressor labii inferioris insert?
orbicularis oris fibres
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what originates from the medial infraorbital margin?
levator labii superioris
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where does levator labii superioris alqaue nasi originate from?
frontal process of the maxilla bone
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where does levator labii superioris alqaue nasi insert?
skin of lateral nostril and upper lip
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where does mentalis originate?
alveolar process of lateral incisor
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where does mentalis insert?
skin of chin
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where does orbicularis oculi insert?
skin around orbit and superior + inferior tarsals
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where does orbicularis oculi originate?
medial orbital margin, medial palpebral ligament and lacrimal bone
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where does coruggator supercili originate?
superciliary arch
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where does coruggator supercili insert?
skin of the eyebrow
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where does nasalis originate?
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where does nasalis insert?
transverse- aponeurosis of dorsum of nose, alar- alar cartilage
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where does procerus originate?
nasal bone
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where does procerus insert?
lower medial forehead
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where does orbicularis oris originate?
maxilla and other muscles of the cheek
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where does orbicularis oris insert?
skin and mucous Ms of the lips
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where does temporalis originate?
temporal fossa
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where does temporalis insert?
coronoid process of the mandible
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where does buccinator originate?
maxilla and mandible
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where does buccinator insert?
orbicularis oris and skin of the lips
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where does the sphenomandibular ligament come from?
sphenoid spine- its in the name
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where does the lateral ligament come from?
articular tubercule
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what does the lateral ligament prevent?
posterior disolcation
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where does the lateral ligament insert?
neck of the mandible
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what does the stylomandibular ligament do?
supports the weight of the jaw
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what is the stylomandibular ligament a thickening of?
fascia of the parotid gland
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the articular disk separates the joint into what?
2 synovial cavities
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what does the upper cavity produce (movement)?
retraction and protrusion
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which muscles are responsible for protrusion?
masseter, lateral and medial pterygoids
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what is responsible for retraction?
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what does the lower synovial cavity prduce?
elevation and depression
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what muscles elevate?
temporalis, masseter and medial pterygoids
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why do caliculi stones most often form in submandibular duct?
1) the concentration of calcium in the salivary than other glands is twice that of the parotid gland 2) longer duct 3) alkaline and mucous saliva produced
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what is the articular surface of the bone covered by?
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what surfaces are the articulations between in the TMJ?
mandibular fossa, mandibular condyle and the articular tubercle
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what is the joint split into 2 synovial cavities by?
articular disk
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what is each synovial cavity lined by?
synovial membrane
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how did SGM+ change to DNA-17
was 10 + AMEL in SGM+ (11) then added 6 new STRs - 17 including sex for DNA-17
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problems for ReFLP for criminal investigations?
1) micrograms of DNA needed- not enough DNA 2) running conditions and DNA quality issues hard to find exact match between bands -> developed single locusq
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problems for ReFLP for criminal investigations?
linking between loci reassortment could happen within one DNA fingerprint lead to statisitcal areas- developed single locus
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what are the nasal wings measured by?
crista conchalis
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what is the nasal orifice used for?
3/5ths the width of the nose
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what is used to find the direction of the tip?
nasal aperture floor
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what does the anterior nasal bones indicate?
the angle of the nasal bones
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what is used to determine nasal projections
an algorithm that includes dimensions of the nasal aperture
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class 2 occlusion?
maxillary progranthism- mandible moves posteriorly
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class 3 occlusion?
mandible moves anteriorly
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what is the frankfurt plane?
horizontal line that passes through the upper border of the ear canal and passes through the inferior border of the orbital rim
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what osteometric points are used make the frankfurt plane?
orbitale and porion
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what does the height of the ear correspond to?
the distance between nose base and bottom of the chin
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wheres the ear hole?
behind the external auditory meatus and superior part of the trgaus- same height as orbital rim
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where do you start the skin?
nasolabila fold
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what doesn't need to be covered by skin?
nose, eyes and mouth
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where do you put facial fat?
around eyes, nasolabial fold, bucal fat pad
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wgat is the average eye diameter?
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where is the eyeball position usually?
slightly superior and lateral to the centre of the orbit
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how is the fissure of the eyelids worked out?
drawing a line between lacrimal fossa --> malar tubercle
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how much does the iris extend beyond the eyeball sitting in the orbital rim?
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


3 branches of the trigeminal nerve?


1) ophthalmic nerve 2) maxillary nerve 3) mandibular nerve

Card 3


what does the trigeminal nerve do?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what parts of the trigeminal nerve are purely sensory?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what muscles does the mandibular branch of the temporal nerve innervate?


Preview of the front of card 5
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