Dorian Gray Novel Quotes

The quotes needed for the essay.

  • Created by: jgrove
  • Created on: 15-05-14 08:59
A quote about art
All art is quite useless
1 of 13
A quote about Dorian becoming hedonisitc/ aesthetic
passed into the sphere of art
2 of 13
A quote about hedonism
A new hedonism, that is what our century wants
3 of 13
A quote about homo-****** subtext
I grew jealous
4 of 13
A quote about the wealthy parts of London
5 of 13
A quote about the poor East End
6 of 13
A quote about the settings we associate with the Vanes
7 of 13
Another quote about the settings we associate with the Vanes
8 of 13
A quote about the beauty of the rich areas/ homo-eroticism
Rich odour of roses
9 of 13
A quote about the beauty of the rich areas
Unstained streets
10 of 13
writes itself across a man's face
11 of 13
The painting changing
bear the burden that should have been his own
12 of 13
A work of gothic fiction
as though the canvas had sweated blood
13 of 13

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Card 2


A quote about Dorian becoming hedonisitc/ aesthetic


passed into the sphere of art

Card 3


A quote about hedonism


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


A quote about homo-****** subtext


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


A quote about the wealthy parts of London


Preview of the front of card 5
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