Critical Thinking AS - Unit 2


"Of course America should sign international agreements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."
Tu quoque; The fact other countries have signed up to agreements is used to support the conclusion that America should do so; Other countries' actions cannot be used to justify the need for America to act in the same way, so this is weak reasoning.
1 of 5
"Australian researchers have shown that genetically modified peas trigger allergic reactions in some people. Genetically modified crops are simply too dangerous for human consumption."
Hasty generalisation; Generalises from insufficient evidence to a general conclusion; Author cannot use specific evidence about one crop to draw a conclusion about all GM crops.
2 of 5
"If the school introduces a zero tolerance policy on poor behaviour, students wills tart to behave well."
Oversimplifying casual relationship; Author oversimplifies the causes of poor behaviour in school; Poor behaviour can be caused by lots of things so changing just one factor is unlikely to be enough.
3 of 5
"The weather reporters should give us better weather. They can clearly influence the weather as it generally does what they say it will. We would like less winter in future."
Casual flaw (confusing cause and effect); The author treats the weather report as the cause of the weather, which is confused (the wrong way around); In this cause the author has confused cause and effect.
4 of 5
"Murdering someone means you definitely go to prison. But Annie didn't murder anyone, she only supplied crack. So she won't go to prison."
Confusing necessary and sufficient conditions; Author takes a condition which is sufficient to send someone to prison and assumes it's necessary; Murder is not a necessary condition of going to prison and you can get sent their for other things too.
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Hasty generalisation; Generalises from insufficient evidence to a general conclusion; Author cannot use specific evidence about one crop to draw a conclusion about all GM crops.


"Australian researchers have shown that genetically modified peas trigger allergic reactions in some people. Genetically modified crops are simply too dangerous for human consumption."

Card 3


Oversimplifying casual relationship; Author oversimplifies the causes of poor behaviour in school; Poor behaviour can be caused by lots of things so changing just one factor is unlikely to be enough.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Casual flaw (confusing cause and effect); The author treats the weather report as the cause of the weather, which is confused (the wrong way around); In this cause the author has confused cause and effect.


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Confusing necessary and sufficient conditions; Author takes a condition which is sufficient to send someone to prison and assumes it's necessary; Murder is not a necessary condition of going to prison and you can get sent their for other things too.


Preview of the back of card 5


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