Classification of Skills

Classification of Skills
Skill Acqusition
1 of 14
What are simple skills?
A skill involving limited judgements and decisions.
2 of 14
What are complex skills?
A skill involving many decisions to be made.
3 of 14
What are open skills?
A skill that is affected the environment.
4 of 14
What are closed skills?
A skill that is takes place in the same, predictable environment.
5 of 14
What are self-paced skills?
A skill where the performer controls the rate at which the skill is executed.
6 of 14
What are externally-paced skills?
A skill where the environment controls the rate of the skill.
7 of 14
What is a gross skill?
A skill that involves large muscle movements.
8 of 14
What is a fine skill?
A skill that involves more intricate movements using small muscle groups.
9 of 14
What is a discrete skill?
A skill that has a clear beginning and end.
10 of 14
What is a serial skill?
A skill that has several discrete elements that are put together to make an integrated movement or sequence.
11 of 14
What is a continuous skill?
A skill that has no clear beginning or end.
12 of 14
What is a high organisation skill?
A skill that has sub-routines that are very difficult to separate.
13 of 14
What is a low organisation skill?
A skill that has easily identified sub-routines.
14 of 14

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are simple skills?


A skill involving limited judgements and decisions.

Card 3


What are complex skills?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are open skills?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are closed skills?


Preview of the front of card 5
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