Civil Rights Protests

Montgomery Bus Boycott - Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to get off the bus so blacks boycotted the Montgomery buses demanding a first-come, first-served system, that drivers should be polite to blacks and that black drivers should be employed.
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Little Rock - Nine black students attended Central High in Little Rock and tested the ruling of BROWN v. TOPEKA (1954).
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Sit-Ins - Greensboro, North Carolina, four black college students spontaneously refused to leave the all-white Woolworth's cafeteria when asked. 70,000 students then joined in with the sit-ins across the South and the SNCC was established.
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Freedom Rides - A small intergrated group of CORE members tested the ruling of MORGAN v. VIRGINIA (1946) against segregation on interstate transport and on interstate bus facilities (BOYNTON v. VIRGINIA (1960)) and were attacked by Alabama racists.
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1961 - 1962
Albany - SNCC organised sit-ins in the Albany bus station and blacks boycotted white businesses. Failed due to some black violence which attracted negative publicity and avoidance of violence by the police chief.
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1963 (April - May)
Birmingham - Black demonstrators triggered an aggressive response from Public Safety Commissioner Bull Connor's police and their dogs exposing, to the media, segregation at its worst.
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1963 (August)
March on Washington - Major civil rights leaders collaborated; 'I have a dream' speech by King made a powerful appeal to white America; March impressed TV audiences across the world.
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1961 - 1964
SNCC and Mississippi, Black Freedom Movement - Worked at local community level, estabilishing Freedom Schools to educate would-be voters and get them registered.
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Mississippi Freedom Summer - White Northern volunteers poured into Mississippi to help the SNCC registration drive.
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Spring 1964
St Augustine, Florida - King and the SCLC aimed to desegregate the area however the KKK picketed and fire-bombed places which had desegregated causing much re-segregation and increased King's urgency to get out of the St Augustine impasse.
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Selma - enormous amounts of segregation; the average white family income was four times that of black families; King led would-be voters to register at Selma County Court house;Violent incidents made headlines such as the throwing of venomous snakes.
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1966 (January)
Chicago - Blacks suffered chronic unemployment, housing and education problems; King was told to keep out of NYC by Adam Clayton Powell and Philadelphia by the NAACP leader there; black marchers were attacked by whites with rocks, bottles, insults.
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1966 (June)
Meredith March - James Meredith planned a 220 mile walk from Memphis to Jackson to encourage blacks to vote and was shot on the second day causing him to be temporarily immobilised.
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Card 2


Little Rock - Nine black students attended Central High in Little Rock and tested the ruling of BROWN v. TOPEKA (1954).



Card 3


Sit-Ins - Greensboro, North Carolina, four black college students spontaneously refused to leave the all-white Woolworth's cafeteria when asked. 70,000 students then joined in with the sit-ins across the South and the SNCC was established.


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Card 4


Freedom Rides - A small intergrated group of CORE members tested the ruling of MORGAN v. VIRGINIA (1946) against segregation on interstate transport and on interstate bus facilities (BOYNTON v. VIRGINIA (1960)) and were attacked by Alabama racists.


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Card 5


Albany - SNCC organised sit-ins in the Albany bus station and blacks boycotted white businesses. Failed due to some black violence which attracted negative publicity and avoidance of violence by the police chief.


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