Quality and customer service

Define quality
The features and characteristics of a product/service that satisfies a customer's needs.
1 of 8
What is the principle of customer service?
It is more expensive to find new customers than it is to retain existing ones.
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What are the advantages of producing good quality products?
You can charge higher prices, you have an improved reputation for business, you may become the customer default choice, you can retain customers, you will have less complaints and less refunds.
3 of 8
What are the disadvantages of providing poor quality products?
A damaged reputation, a bad rating, unfaithful customers, cannot charge higher prices and can't charge higher prices
4 of 8
How can a business have good customer service through providing information?
Through websites, catalogues, advertisement and packaging
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How can a business have good customer service through being more convenient for customers
Thorugh location, various ways to pay and providing ways to access the company
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How can a business provide good customer service through providing service at the point of sale?
Through having enough staff, having well-trained staff and having good health and safety
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How can a business provide good customer service through an after sales services?
Through delivery options, having guarantees and dealing with complaints
8 of 8

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the principle of customer service?


It is more expensive to find new customers than it is to retain existing ones.

Card 3


What are the advantages of producing good quality products?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the disadvantages of providing poor quality products?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How can a business have good customer service through providing information?


Preview of the front of card 5
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