psych - biological drug therapy

  • Created by: leonalj
  • Created on: 08-05-24 18:42


Biological psychologists believe that mental ilness has a physical cause and therefore can be treated with drugs- medical model

anti psychotic drugs- treat psychotic ilnesses- schizophrenia

conventional-treat positive symptoms (hallucinations/delusions)- block the action of dopamine in the brain- binds to the dopamine receptors preventing them from being stimulated.

atypical-temporarily bind to the dopamine receptors- have lower side effects

anti depressant drugs

depression is said to be due to low levels of seretonin in brain- work by reducing rate of re-absorbtion or by blocking the neymes that break down the neurotransmitters- both increase the amount of neurotransmitters available to excite neighbouring cells.

most common prescribed- SSRI- block the reabsorbtion of seretonin in the pre-synaptic cell after it has fired- more seretonin is left in synapse


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