Nazi Dictatorship 1933-45


Nazi Ideology

  • Social Darwinism “Survival of the fittest” theory, Hitler adapted this to racial purity of the Aryan race
  • Mein Kampf -  Hitler’s book, my struggle, that outlined his own and Nazi ideology
  • Herrenvolk - Master race – Aryan and northern Europeans
  • Volksgemeinschaft - Peoples community/national identity
  • ‘November criminals’ - Socialist and Democratic leaders who signed the Armistice in 1918 accepting the terms making Germany a republic – seen as betrayers to the German army  
  • Furherprinzip -A leadership principle of a one-party state led by one leader. Public’s needs sacrificed for the greater good. 
  • LebensraumLiving space – expansion into Poland, Ukraine and Russia to obtain the raw materials needed for continental supremacy
  • Greater GermanyA superpower to compete with the USA and British Empire 
  • Grossdeutsche - Big Germany including Austria, Prussia, and the Sudetenland etc. there was already a large number of Germans living outside Germany.

Nazi Party's Main Objectives

 The twenty five point programme – 22 nationalist ideas, 3 socialist.

Increasing Support

1928 Nazis win 2.8% of the vote

Wall street crash leads to economic collapse – people look for more radical solution to problems

1930 Nazi vote increased to 18.3%

Chancellor Brüning begins to bypass Reichstag because of more radical members

Growing social unrest between Nazis and Communists particularly due to growth of SA/**

1932 Presidential Campaign – Hitler promised change/a revolution. Nazis achieve 37% of the vote.

Reichstag vote of no confidence in von Papen’s government. Forced to resign.

Schleicher becomes Chancellor. Failed to gain widespread support.

Papen wanted to regain his position – coalition with the Nazis with Papen as vice-Chancellor in order that they have a majority in the Reichstag. Hindenburg gave in because he thought that traditional conservatives and Nationalists would control him.

30th January 1933 Hitler appointed Chancellor – only two other Nazi Cabinet members

 Consolodation Of Power

30th Jan 1933 Hitler became Chancellor

However, his power was still limited because…

o   There were only 2 other Nazi’s in the cabinet

o   He didn’t have a majority in the Reichstag

o   He was dependant on president Hindenburg’s support

Despite this, Hitler


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