Malawi - globalisation

  • Created by: harls13
  • Created on: 13-11-16 13:50

Malawi Case Study- Globalisation


  • Malawi is in Sub-sahara Africa
  • It's surrounding countries are Zimbabwe, Zambia and Tanzania
  • It's surrounding the Indian ocean

Country Profile :

  • Population = 15.9 million 
  • Major languages = English, Chichewa (both official)
  • Life expectancy = 55 years (men), 55 years (women)
  • Currency =  Malawi kwacha
  • GDP =  Since 2004, Malawi’s GDP has increased over 40%, from $1.8 billion to $2.5 billion(2000 US$ prices)

Barriers to Development :

  • Transport / infastructure

- Landlocked country - no coastline which prevents trade

- Single tracked railway - poor, slow, extensive- have to go through Mosambique.

- 2002 Britain and Canada donated for repaires to railway, to allow faster transport of emergency aid to Malawi

  • HIV / AIDS

-HIV attacks immune system and weakens bodies ability to fight infection. in its final stage, the body is to…


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