Economic Miracle


Konrad Adenauer

Identified himself as a supporter of Western Liberal Democracy and Catholic conservatism. The CDU and CSU proved itself successful with attracting the band of middle-class voters. So what were the aims of Adenauer? What had he in mind for post-war Germany?

  • Western Intergration--Konrad wanted to gain the trust of the Western powers in order to protect West Germany from the Soviets in the East. Therefore he believed very much in the policy of Wiedergutmachung (playing good e.g. paying reparations) Gain the international respect.
  • The 'German Question'---The reunification of FRG and GDR. Believed many East Germans would turn away from communism through the idea of the 'Magnet theory' (joining by their own volition). Leads to later why 3 million German refugees from the East left their zone before 1961.
  • Economic Policy--Konrad and his economic minister, Ludwig Erhard, determined to create stability. Erhard's 'social market' policy certainly a cause to the economic miracle in 1952.
  • Social Aspects--Needed a policy that would overcome the hardships of the poor and refugees through new social legislations.

In 1957, Konrad was successful with the election from his bold slogans 'no experiments' winning him majority of 50.2%. (FDP who were the first coalition goverment, did not join this time). Not only was this a success for Konrad but towards the general figure of democratic governments---turnout for 1957 was 87.8%. And small extremists groups were unable to make a stance in the Bundestag, thanks to the measures of first past the post and 5% hurdle.

The Economic Miracle

The idea of this 'social market' policy had already been thought of between Erhard's colleagues at Nuremberg Business School during the Nazi regime. It was only in 1948 when he was director of German Economic Council that he could put forth his ideas.

The aims of the policy was to introduce state intervention. Idea to create economic freedom. Erhard was opposed


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