The West German 'economic miracle'.


The West German 'economic miracle'.

  • 1945, the whole country had been occupied by foreign troops, and most German cities had been devastated by Allied bombing.
  • By the 1960s it had experienced rapid economic recovery.
  • 1970, West Germany was the world's third largest economy.
  • Real economic growth from 1951 to 1960 averaged 8% per year, Inflation was kept low at an average of 1.1%.
  • Germany's machine tool industry had increased by 75% since 1938, this was an important sector of the pot-war sector of the post-war West German economy.

An ample labour supply.

  • Germany still possessed an educated, skilled work force, 'human capital'.
  • Between 1949 and the building of the Berlin Wall in 1961, 3.8 million Eastern Germans fled the GDR for West Germany.
  • Late 1950s, 'guest-worker' (Gastarbeiter) scheme, by 1966 foreign workers numbered at 1.2 million.
  • FRG actively recruited specific types of worker, these workers made up for labour shortages in industries such as mechanical and electrical engineering. 
  • Provided cheap labour in declining industries, helped maintain German economic competitiveness against its international rivals.

Social market economy.

  • A middle way between unregulated private enterprise and a state-controlled economy.
  • Aim was to allow private enterprise but also allow…


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