What factors affect birth rate, death rate and natural increase?

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  • What factors affect birth rate, death rate and natural increase?
    • Factors that encourage a high birth rate
      • no contraception
      • children into jobs
        • child labour
      • tradition
      • sign of fertility
      • No education
    • Factors that reduce birth rate
      • Harmful diseases
      • women wanting a better job
      • Laws (one child rule)
      • Education
      • improved health care
      • family planning
      • To close the economic gap
    • Factors that cause a high death rate
      • War
      • Diseases (deadly)
      • high infant/ children mortality
      • no medical care
      • poor hygiene
      • dangerous jobs
      • Malnutrition
      • Lack of available foods
    • Factors that help to reduce the death rate
      • improved medication
      • Nursing homes
      • Better living standards
      • Scientific research
      • Education


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