Methods of Training

  • Created by: anon
  • Created on: 18-09-13 15:39
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  • Anaerobic and aerobic fitness
    • Fartlek
      • Working @ high intensities for varying times
        • Followed by periods of recovery
      • 55%-90% (aerobically)  90%+ (anaerobic)
        • 20 mins (aerobic) relatively short
    • Interval
      • Alternating periods of high intensity   work with periods of recovery
      • planned in advance
        • 80%-90% (aerobic)   90&+ (anaerobic)
          • 20 mins (aerobic)   10s-1m (anaerobic)
    • Circuit
      • Doing a series of different exercises in a sequence
      • Intensity can vary
        • 80%-90% (aerobic) 90%+ (anaerobic)
        • 30s-2m (aerobic)  10s-1m (anaerobic)


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