SEE: Regeneration: 4A.3C

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  • 4A.3C: Economic and social changes on London Docklands  impacting identity
    • Social
      • Inward migration changing identity, residents now perhaps less likely to identify with their local area than they once had
      • Perception of the Docklands as being regenerated/gentrified
      • In Kelham there may be the perception of it as being 'trendy' or more 'youthful'
      • Has become a  residential area, people more likely to identify with the place as an area to actually live in
    • Economic
      • Many economic centrifugal forces changed the identity of the Docklands
        • Globalisation + container revolution, led to many people finding work elsewhere + gentrification
      • Employmen change- old economy to the new economy
        • Development of Canary Wharf meant the area is more gentrified
        • This had led to a more positive perception of the Docklands, attracting younger workers
      • Kelham has moved away from its entirely industrial economy, it is more diverse now
        • May mean people no longer see it as derelict, industrial site- there is more of an identity/attachment to create
    • Identity refers to people's feelings and perceptions, and their shared beliefs, traditions and ways of life. It can create a sense of community and feeling part of a wider group of similar people.
    • Identity may be impacted by whether people perceive they are living in an area with a positive or negative image


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