Media Exam

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  • Media Exam
    • Question 1
      • Explain two ways the characters and/or events in the extract fit the action / adventure genre.
    • Question 2
      • Explain how each of the following is used to create effect:
        • Camerawork
          • Mis-en-scene
            • Lighting
              • Top lighting
                • Soft lighting
                  • Low Key
                  • Connotations: Dream, seductive, heaven (romance)
                • Connotations: Power, leader, god (fantasy, action)
              • S-C-A-L-P
                • Setting
                • Costume
                • Actors
          • High angle
          • Low angle
    • Genre
      • Hybrid
      • Sub-genre
        • A cross-genre, that blends themes and elements from two or more different genres.
    • Claude Strauss
      • In the 20th century Strauss said that all stories are propelled forward by conflict that is caused by characters and events each other
    • Sound
      • Non-diagetic
      • Diagetic
  • Narrative (storyline)
    • Character Types
      • Binary Opposition
        • Good vs. Evil
        • Boys vs. Girls
        • Man vs. Beast
      • Explain two ways the characters and/or events in the extract fit the action / adventure genre.
  • Disruption
  • Soundtrack
    • Camerawork
      • Mis-en-scene
        • Lighting
          • Top lighting
            • Soft lighting
              • Low Key
              • Connotations: Dream, seductive, heaven (romance)
            • Connotations: Power, leader, god (fantasy, action)
          • S-C-A-L-P
            • Setting
            • Costume
            • Actors
      • High angle
      • Low angle
  • High Key
    • Connotations: Happness, good, truth (Comedy, rom-com)
  • The villain (antagonist)
    • The hero (protagonist)
      • Vladimir Propp
        • The princess
          • The villain (antagonist)
            • The hero (protagonist)
              • Vladimir Propp
                • The princess
                  • The helper
                    • The donor
                      • The dispatcher
                  • Question 3
          • The helper
            • The donor
              • The dispatcher
          • Question 3
    • Conventions
      • Connotations
      • Media Exam
        • Question 1
          • Question 2
            • Explain how each of the following is used to create effect:
            • Genre
              • Hybrid
              • Sub-genre
                • A cross-genre, that blends themes and elements from two or more different genres.
            • Claude Strauss
              • In the 20th century Strauss said that all stories are propelled forward by conflict that is caused by characters and events each other
            • Sound
              • Non-diagetic
              • Diagetic


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