media quiz shows

Hopefully this will help with the 09 media exam

  • Created by: Hannah
  • Created on: 30-04-09 16:14

media quiz shows

How did quiz shows start?

Quiz shows originated on the radio and any study of past or current radio
quiz show output is to be encouraged. However, the focus on the Controlled
test paper is TELEVISION quiz shows. Television quiz shows are almost as
old as television broadcast with ‘What’s My Line?’ broadcast on 16th July
1951.By the end of the 1950’s basic television quiz shows became big money
winning game shows.

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media quiz shows

Representation on quiz shows:

Whether you are sitting with the audience in the darkened studio of ‘Mastermind’, laughing with the bitchy comments of Anne Robinson or hoping for humiliation in ‘Beat the Teacher’ there is a lot= being said about the values and ideologies present. The production values evident in the quality and innovativeness of the studio set, the kind of prizes offered, the degree of rigour in the questions asked and the respect or lack of it offered to the contestants again says a lot about the programme.

It was a newsworthy item when a London Cabbie won the final of ‘Mastermind’ and the first £1 million winner of ‘Who Wants be a Millionaire’ was accused of cheating. Candidates may want to investigate why they became newsworthy. It isn’t always the cleverest who wins in a contest where strategy plays a part. Uses and Gratification theory is evident when everyone thinks they too can be a winner and they get the chance to pit their wits against the experts

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media quiz shows

Useful vocab to put into exam:

* Aerial Shot: shot filmed from aircraft or helicopter, extreme high angle.
* Ambient Sound: natural background noise on television or film such as the sound of birds in a wood.
* Ambient Light: natural, available light that is not enhanced in any way.
* Audience: All those who receive or consume any media product.
* Camera Angle: the position of the camera in relation to the main subject. High, low, canted, etc.
* Cinematography: Camera Shots, Angles, Lighting
* Connotation: Suggestive meaning of something, such as red connotates danger, blood.
* Crane Shot: High angle shot filmed with a crane
* Continuity editing: Referred to as invisible editing, so that the whole sequence looks natural.
* Demographics: refers to social characteristics of and audience, described according to groupings such as social class, regional location, gender and age.
* Denotation: literal meaning/ simple description of what an be seen or heard.
* Diagetic sound: sound which the characters can hear.
* Non-Diagetic sound: sound the actors cant hear, e.g.: music played other the scene.
* Enigma: a question or puzzle being raised from a text.

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media quiz shows

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