Liverpool-case study-change in uk cities

  • Created by: jessicate
  • Created on: 03-06-18 13:40
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  • Liverpool-Change in UK cities case study
    • Liverpool was once an import for cotton, sugar and slave trades.
    • was a major manufacturing industry
    • immigration played a large role in the shaping of Liverpool
    • there is mass immigration from all around the world to Liverpool.
    • social and economic opportunities
      • there is now a cultural mix
      • there are lots of things to do for recreation and entertainmernt
      • there is lots of employment opportunities for people in Liverpool that is linked to the tourism industry
      • there are integrated transport systems
    • economic and social challenges
      • industrial decline has left much of Liverpool  inner city deprived. some areas are the most deprived in england
      • regeneration in some parts of the city has lead to increased inequality. this is because people in some areas have better access to housing, education, employment and healthcare
      • some inner city areas have been redeveloped, the newer modern housing that has been built there is far too expensive for the previous owners that were evicted.
      • many children in deprived areas leave school without basic qualifications, this leads to low income and high unemployment
      • unhealthy lifestyles, e.g. drinking, smoking and poor diets are more common in deprived some more deprived areas life expectancy is ten years lower than what it is in other, wealthier parts of the area.
    • environmental opportunities
      • the decline of industries has left much of Liverpool run down. and open spaces have been left as wasteland. urban greening is a new form of regeneration. planners are trying to increase and preserve open spaces such as public parks and gardens.
      • more cycle and pedestrian routes are being created and wasteland is being changing into usable parks
      • Liverpool ONE includes a five acre park called Chavasse park, right in the middle of the city center.
    • environmental challenges
      • when people leave inner city areas houses ended up being left empty. there was more graffiti and vandelism.
      • there were many greenfield sites built on as people wanted to move further away into the urban-fringe of the city. this destroyed habitats. brownfield sites are much better to build on as they just need clearing and decontaminating.
      • waste disposal is also becoming an issue at the city's population grows
      • plans are in place to build a new waste center in the Old swan area
    • effects on/of urban sprawl
      • large housing estates look nice but cause habitats to be damaged or destroyed.
      • out-of-town developments can help lead to air and noise pollution as people have to drive to them.
      • new housing developments can affect the character of small villages and damage the environment
      • demand for housing in commuter settlements causes a rise in house prices so locals find it more difficult to move house.
      • businesses may suffer as people spend money and time where they work  instead of where they live.
      • large numbers of commuters travelling to work daily causes pollution, traffic congestion and parking problems.




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