Changes in UK cities Case Study - Liverpool

  • Created by: Isobel183
  • Created on: 09-04-18 20:47
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  • Change in UK        cities        Case Study "Liverpool"
    • Facts
      • Is a port city
      • Located in North-West England
      • Has thriving manufacturing industries
    • Opportunities
      • Social and Economic
        • Cultural Mix
          • ethnic diversity has brought a range of food, festivals and cultural experiences
            • Attracts lots of people
            • Example: Liverpool's Chinatown
              • Thriving Chinese community
              • Popular tourist destination
        • Recreation and entertainment
          • Albert Dock has been restored
            • Many shops
            • Restaurants
            • Museums
          • Echo Arena (sport and concert venue)
            • built on brownfield site at Kings Dock
          • Liverpool ONE shopping centre and leisure complex
            • £1 billion spent on it
        • Employment
          • Tourism offers jobs
          • Service sectors
          • Liverpool Science park
          • "Baltic Triangle Industries"
            • converts derelicts warehouses and factories into creative industries
            • Art
            • Film Making
            • Digital Design
          • Car Manufacturing and Container ports opening in 2016
        • Integrated Transport System
          • MerseyTravel is a company that operates the city's bus, train and ferry networks
          • A prepaid card can be used across all different networks
            • Makes Transfers easier
      • Environment
        • Urban Greening
          • Increase preserve open spaces
            • Public Parks
            • Gardens
          • Wasteland is being converted into usable parks
        • Liverpool ONE has a five acre park
          • Chavasse Park is in the middle of the city centre
          • Liverpool ONE shopping centre and leisure complex
            • £1 billion spent on it
        • More cycle and pedestrian routes are being created
    • Challenges
      • Social And Economic
        • Industrial Decline left Liverpool's inner city very deprived
        • Regeneration has lead to increased inequality
          • People in wealthier areas have better access
            • Housing
            • Education
            • Employment
            • Healthcare
        • Inner city areas have been redeveloped
          • Existing house has been cleared and replaced with modern housing
          • New housing too expensive
            • Former residents forced out
        • Many children leave school without basic qualifications
          • High amount of people are not employed
            • 9% of adults in Anfield are jobless
          • Leads to low incomes
        • Unhealthy lifestyles
          • Drinking
          • Smoking
          • Poor diets
          • Life expectancy in Toxteth is ten years lower than it is in wealthier parts of the city
      • Enviornment
        • People left inner city areas leaving buildings empty
          • Buildings were target for graffiti and vandalism
          • Areas became run down
        • Movement of people to the suburbs caused pressure to build on greenfield sites
          • Destroyed natural habitats
        • Population grows causing problems with waste disposal
          • Solution : New waste and recycling centre being built


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