
  • Created by: 10ruddl
  • Created on: 03-11-14 16:55
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  • Sustainable City Case Study-Curitiba
    • Sustainable City Criteria
      • Economy -industry + jobs should be safe and city should have a range of different industries
      • Environment-should be kept clean and waste recycled, reduced or reused
      • Social-people should feel involved in decision making
    • Sustainable City Characteristics
      • Conserving the natural and historic environment
        • Old buildings must be kept and looked after architecturally-important and if knocked down won't be available for the future
        • Historic buildings can be restored or the function changed
        • Existing parks shouldn't be built on and new building should take place on Brownfield sites to conserve Greenfield
      • Reducing and safely disposing of waste
        • 73% of UK household waste goes to landfill-the government target is 40% recycled
        • Amount of household waste needs to be reduced-by 2000 the UK produced 330m tonnes a year
      • Providing open spaces
        • Needed for recreation-can be parks, playing fields, people's gardens etc.
        • Having rules to restrict building on Greenfield sites helps this, eg. green belts around towns that can't be built on
      • Involving local people
        • They should be consulted during the planning process, eg. through surveys and meetings in local halls
          • If people feel involved and in control, they're more likely to care for buildings and the environment of the area
      • Efficient public transport
        • Buses, trains and trams use less fuel and give out less pollution eg. some London uses are powered by hydrogen and only give out water vapour
        • Good public transport means fewer cars, so pollution is reduced. Bus lanes mean quicker journeys-encourages more passengers
    • Social
      • 'Lighthouses of Knowledge' provide access to books and the internet
      • Local people are involved in improving the streets
        • The Road of Flowers is tended to by street children and one area has turned into a 24 hour street, where no cafes, bars, newsagents or chemists ever close
      • There are now 40 centres for feeding and training street children
      • Rapid bus system put in place
        • Tube shaped bus stops allow greater efficiency through faster loading and unloading
        • The buses are afforable-passenegers only need one ticket regardless of the length of the journey
    • Economic
      • Builders are given tax breaks if their projects include green spaces
      • Costs of the bus system allow it to be easily accessible yet profitable due to the high demand
      • Street children are trained so they can earn more
      • By 2000 over 550 factories provided 50,000 direct jobs and 150,000 indirect jobs


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