L15 - Re-branding (1)

  • Created by: Hadley023
  • Created on: 25-03-19 12:29
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  • Re-branding
    • Strategies
      • Market-led
        • Private investors wanting to make a profit.
        • Property developers, builders, business owners such as restaurants and wine bars.
        • E.g. Riverside, Norwich.
      • Top-down
        • Large scale organisations such as development agencies within local authorities.
        • Private investors such as insurance and pension fund managers.
        • E.g. former dockland areas such as Salford Quay, Manchester.
      • Flagship development
        • Large scale on-off property projects.
        • Distinctive architecture.
        • Attract further development and investment.
        • E.g. Millennium Stadium, Cardiff.
      • Legacy
        • Following international sporting events which brought investment and regeneration.
        • E.g. London Olympics, 2012.
      • Events/ themes
        • Major festivals such as those associated with the European capital of culture.
        • Catalyst for cultural development and the transformation of a city.
    • Elements
      • Architecture
        • Can reinforce a particular heritage look or promote place as modern.
        • E.g. Covent Garden, London.
      • Heritage
        • Wessex tourist board has based much of the re-branding of the rural region on the heritage of the region to incorporate ancient monuments such as Avebury, Stonehenge and Saxon history.
      • Art
        • Galleries and art events e.g. Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao.
      • Sport
        • Olympics, World Cup and Formula 1. E.g. Bahrain.
      • Food
        • Some places have a reputation of high quality food e.g. Ludlow, Shropshire.
      • Retail
        • Importance of consumer spending, re-branding can be aided by retail developments 
        • Flagship Selfridges store opened 2003 in central Birmingham.
          • This has become an icon of re-branding and further re-development in New Street Station.


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