Evaluate the importance of rebranding when regenerating rural areas

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  • Evaluate the importance of re-branding to the success of rural regeneration. 20 marks
    • CASE STUDIES: Powys Regeneration Partnership and the Bronte County
    • Why is rebranding important?
      • No
        • It can isolate different social groups and by rebranding it could introduce concepts/ companies that may have the opposite effect on the locals.
        • Rebranding could make the area more popular so housing prices could soar and availability reduce. Bad for the locals
        • Rural areas often want to stay that way unless tied to a city so rebranding isn't essential because of this.
      • Yes
        • Rebranding allows competition between rural areas
    • What is rebranding?
      • Where a place is redeveloped and marketed
      • Attracts new investors
      • May involve regeneration and/or re-imaging
    • How does rebranding lead to success?
      • Attracts new investors to the area. In Powys investment in IT is occuring through the Carmarthenshire Community Broadband Partnership
        • Untitled
      • Enhances an area, and the image for the area
      • Attract tourism
    • Powys Regeneration Partnership focuses on 9 themes
      • Local culture and creative industries
      • Education and skills
      • Economic growth
      • Quality of service provision
      • Health and well being of the community
      • Environment and place
      • Renewable energy ,research and development
      • Tourism
      • The needs of young people.


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