Goal Setting

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  • Goal setting
    • SMART principle
      • Specific
        • needs to be clear
        • consider the sport and skill you want to improve
      • Measureable
        • have a set goal to measure progress
        • you need a starting stndard (baseline) to compare agaisnt
      • Achieveable
        • keeps performers motivated with realistic targets
        • not too easy or too hard, so that a goal can be reached
      • Recorded
        • regularly write down measurements
          • to monitor and track progress
      • Timed
        • clear amount of time to add focus
          • so it can be achieved with the use of long and short term goals, which are planned and progressive
            • example: I will achieve my goal by my next tennis match in 6 weeks and have smaller goals every 2 weeks
      • always give examples even when it doesn't ask
      • benefits of goal setting
        • provides extra motviation to achieve
          • goals are clearly defined, so the performer can focus on what they want to improve
            • realise the important of goal setting across all levels
              • evaluate the success of goals by comparing, pre and post goal
                • seeing benefits can continually help performance
    • Adhere to exercise
      • aherence = committing
      • committing to the exercise, in order to remain focused
      • encourageme nt to take up a new activity
      • increasing motivation
      • example: A performer attends all 3 training sessions this week and they should hit their target of 1kg weight loss
    • Optimise performance
      • allow you to achieve more in a shorter space of time
      • improve focus in training
      • improve your skills, fitness and tatics
      • example: A coach gives an athlete a goal to knock off 0.5 seconds from their 400m time
    • Controlling anxiety
      • reduce stress of improvement as you have a focus which is realistic/ achieveable
      • this increases pride, happiness and satisfaction hen goal is reached
        • then you are going to commit more and try harder
      • example: a Cricket player will reduce stress buy listening to Music before an important match


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