Effects of Down Syndrome

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  • Down Syndrome
    • Physical
      • Decreased or poor muscle tissue
      • Flattened facial profile and nose
      • Delayed physical development
      • Small mouth, broad hands with short fingers
      • More vulnerable to health conditions such as; heart abnormalities hearing loss and vision problems
      • Bone deficiencies
      • Decreased strength and loose ligaments
      • Daytime Fatigue
      • Vulnerable to Cancer, specifically Leukemia
    • Intellectual
      • Short attention span
      • Impulsive behaviour
      • Slower learning
      • Delayed language and speech development
      • Cognitive impairment
    • Emotional
      • Mood swings
      • Emotionally frustrated
      • Sensitive to environmental and psychosocial stressors
      • Generalised anxiety
      • Obsessive Compulsive symptoms
      • Depression
      • Lack of emotional interest as a result of depression
    • Social
      • Isolation
      • Difficulty communicating
      • Social withdrawal
      • Slower speech development


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