Diet - balanced diet

good to revise from for mock exams

  • Created by: mellis98
  • Created on: 30-10-13 09:06
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  • Diet
    • Balanced diet
      • Water, Fibre, Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat,Minerals, Vitamins
      • one that provides sufficient energy and right mix of nutrients and fibre,in right proportind
      • carbohydrates- 50% - proteins - 15% - fat -35%
      • CARBOHYDRATES - starches & sugars - primary source of energy, slow release of energy, endurance
      • FATS - saturated & unsaturated - secondary source of energy, insulation (warm)
      • PROTEINS - meat,fish, eggs, cheese - growth & repair in muscle cells
      • VITAMINS - vit C (fruit/veg), vit D (fish/eggs), vit A (dairy products) - keep body healthy & regulate the body
      • MINERALS - calcium (milk,salmon), iron (spinach/red meat), iodine (seaweed) - enable body to work normally & efficiently
      • FIBRE - seeds, fruit, veg - bulk to food, helps digestive system
      • WATER - liquid we drink - main component of blood, controls temp
    • energy, keep us in good health, prevent health problems


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