5.1. A Culture of Puritanism II

  • Created by: Alasdair
  • Created on: 26-05-19 18:49
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  • 5.1. A Culture of Puritanism II
    • 9. Use of religious images
      • Area with greater variation in practice and views
      • Images include pictures/statues of God, Christ and saints, stained glass
      • Church and state imposed less regulation in this area
    • 10. Fear of power of images
      • Iconoclasm (destruction) on the continent)
      • Lutherans more accepting of images, Calvinists reject
      • Iconoclastic 'Fury' of 1560s in Netherlands
        • Ordinary people riled up and destroyed church images/decoration
        • Elizabeth (Queen of England) didn't like this disorder despite being protestant
    • 11. Idolatry and Iconoclasm: ideas and practices
      • The Ten Commandments forbids the 'worship' of images
      • 2nd commandment
        • 'You shall have no other gods before Me. "You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under earth. "You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me,...'
    • 12. English reaction to iconoclasm
      • Removal of images mostly under Edward VI, seldom violent
        • In particularly focus on eyes
      • Tremendous regional variation in extent of removal
      • Puritans take especially anti-image line (false doctrine, superstition)
        • However, attitude will soften among some Protestants in C17th
    • 13. Wider impact on English visual culture?
      • Image of word-centred Protestantism on culture?
      • Historiography:
        • Collinson
          • suggested general visual anorexia, affect on education ('From Iconoclasm to Iconophobia' article)
        • Tessa Watt ('Cheap Print and Popular Piety')
          • ubiquity of cheap visual material (it was found everywhere)
          • suggested England not entirely dominated by word
            • cheap printed images and visual material
        • Tara Hamling
          • greater use of religious images (e.g. Old Testament figures) in private, domestic settings
            • Shift from saints to famous figures of Old Testament
    • 14. Conclusions
      • A spectrum of opinions on ceremonies and the danger/utility of images
      • Notion of visual 'anorexia' overstated
      • Fears of idolatry a potent force through period
      • More positive attitudes towards images and value of ceremonies developing in C17th but will be controversial
    • 15. Note
      • In essays do not use word 'icon' to replace image as different meanings


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